What is EFY?

Discover the best companies for under-35 professionals
A research focused on under-35 professionals

Employers for Youth (EFY) Measures the perception of employees aged 18 to 35 about the organization they belong to, aiming to recognize the Best Companies for Under-35 Professionals.

  • 100% quantitative study

  • Free participation

  • Measurement based on 10 dimensions

  • Special version for technology professionals

  • Special version for Female Talent

A research with global reach

Measure and improve your employer brand with a global perspective on best practices for under-35 professionals


Young Professionals have participated


Companies participating





A research that will help boost your company's success
Impact measurement

Measures the impact of initiatives for young professionals in your organization.


Compare your companys results with the situation in your country and industry to identify your strengths and areas for improvement

Employer Branding

Measures the situation and perception of employer branding among young professionals in your organization.

Agile implementation

Apply EFY in your company in a few weeks with the support of our application team.

EFY 2024 Results

Review the results of the Best Companies for Under-35 Professionals

Review the complete Ranking!

Learn more here

Your company can be in our rankings!

Participate in the Employers For Youth research and be part of the Best Companies for Under-35 Professionals.

Be part of this research